Rocky Roise Spot

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Well it might be a little messy, but hopefully this catches everyone up...we have been a little behind on our blogging! Posted by Picasa

Here's Jak wearing his new pajamas which the Bartlett's sent from Montana. Posted by Picasa

This was taken last weekend. If you couldn't tell, we like playing in the river! Posted by Picasa

Michael and Mark W. in the "B" hole. Posted by Picasa

The water was pretty chilly, but Abby finally decided to give it a try. Posted by Picasa

Andrew's thinking about dressing like this every day! Posted by Picasa

The whole crew dressed up! Posted by Picasa

We finally found Andrew after the parade! Posted by Picasa

...and the float! Posted by Picasa

Andrew was recruited to dress up and carry the sign in the parade. Posted by Picasa

Stephen, Michael, and Abby drove all day Friday and met us that evening! Posted by Picasa

Selected members of the family were sent out in the stagecoach to receive the gift. Posted by Picasa

The entire Lockhart family et al was given VIP tickets to the rodeo for the 100th Anniversary of F.M. Light and Sons. This included front row seats and free can imagine Andrew's delight! They presented a nice little plaque. Posted by Picasa

Just too cute! Posted by Picasa

Jak's outfit is compliments of Great Grandma and Grandpa Bolduc!  Posted by Picasa

It was a cold and rainy evening Posted by Picasa

Getting ready for the rodeo on July 1 Posted by Picasa

ll ready for bed! Posted by Picasa

setting up the front porch swing together Posted by Picasa

the view from our picnic spot Posted by Picasa

on our Father's ay picnic Posted by Picasa